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What does one use for a $UScash index? I used to use Barclays US Cash index, but that seems to have been discontinued. I've seen that with ticker BRCPCASH and with INDEXCME:CASHUS, but this series seems to have been discontinued at end of 2017. As an investment advisor I'm looking for a cash index that I can use for performance comparisons.
Would it be similar to a short term US Treasury issue yield?
To see those, enter "$UST" (without parens) in the symbol search window.
I was unable to determine what a cash index is for the purpose you have stated. I would think it would be the interest paid on cash balances in the customer account, which I assume would be something like a money market fund. Those seem to pay something that approximates short term US Treasury issues.
P.S. I do not work for Stockcharts, I am a subscriber to the service. This is a user-run "self help" site.