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$NYAD/NYUD Intraday value are different from EOD Adjusted
It has been a few month that Advance-Decline indicators, like $NYAD/$NYUD, $AMAD/AMUD, $NAAD/NAUD, have intraday data issue, the intraday data is very volatile and wrong compared with EOD adjusted data, no matter they are minute/hour data. This make these data during trading hour useless. Has anyone noticed this and asked to fix?
I remember this started a few months ago, and these intraday indicator became volatile and showed wrong value during trading hour, for instance, $NYUD ranges from -400 to 600 on 2/15/2019, but the intraday value could be over 2000. They only got corrected in a few hours after market close. This means during trading hours, these indicators are useless. It's funny the correct value can be see on chart List Summary but can't be show on the chart.
Below are examples.
2/15/19 Intraday chart during trading hour(Wrong data, $NYUD ranges from -100 to 2300):

2/15/19 EOD adjusted $NYAD and $NYUD(Correct data, $NYUD ranges from -425 to 642):