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How do I add the following criteria?

Stock has closed higher in each of the last 5 sessions?
and [streak up (close) = 5]
Is that correct?

Also, how do I add a criteria that says:
Stock closed at a 10-Day Low in Price
and [low = min(10, low)]
Is that correct?


  • Both functions are documented here:

    Also, you can use the site search tool to look things up - it's behind the magnifying glass icon on the Dashboard page banner in the upper right corner next to the word "Help".

    Also, if you begin typing a term in the scan window, the Advanced Editor will often complete it for you in default form, which is always syntactically accurate.

    Both your conditions are logically and syntactically correct.

    Note that even if your scan is correct, you can get zero results if the market (actually, the universe you specify in your scan, like [group is EnergySector], or whatever, does not have any symbols that meet the criteria on that day.

  • Thanks so much
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