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Scanning for RSI(3)/SMA(2) crossovers that occur beneath 40
Using a RSI(3) setting with an overlay of SMA(2) I am trying to scan for all crossings of RSI(3) up through the overlay SMA(2) line, that occur beneath the 40 level of the RSI indicator per the scale on the right hand side. Any help on how to set up a scan to do this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
[group is sp500]
and [RSI(3) < 40]
and [RSI(3) x sma(2,RSI(3))]
When you want to scan for an overlay of an indicator, make the "base" indicator (in this case RSI) a parameter of the overlay indicator.
So, here, "RSI(3)" (the base indicator) is substituted into sma (the overlay) where "close" (the thing to be averaged) would usually be.