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exclude ETFs in scan results

I keep getting an error when including this line in the scan...
and [type IS NOT etf]
I am trying to eliminate the ETFs from the results. Any help is appreciated.


  • markdmarkd mod
    edited January 2024
    and [group is not ETF]

    You can add or exclude groups, sectors, industries and chart lists using the drop downs under the scan workbench window - Your Chartlists, Indexes and ETFs, Sectors and Industries.

    Click "Add" next to your choice and the default code will appear as the last line of your scan (you should copy and paste it to the top - start all scans with the "universe" of stocks you want to look at; if your choice is the FIRST line of your scan, eliminate the leading "and"; the first line of a scan always begins with a bracket "[" ). If you want to exclude the selection, add a "not".
  • Thank you for the help!
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