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X Command

Hoping someone help. I've written the following command [yesterday MACD hist (12,26,20) x 0] my scan results show two days after the actual crossover. What am I doing wrong?


  • markdmarkd mod
    edited January 2024
    "today" is the last bar on the chart, as of scan time. "yesterday" is the next to last bar on the chart as of scan time.

    Depending on when you run the scan and when you view it, today could appear to be yesterday, and yesterday two days ago. To see what the chart looked like when you ran the scan, use the start/end setting on the chart workbench to view the chart as of the scan date.

    Also, use the "inspect" tool to line up the MACD Hist crossover bar (first bar above zero) with its date. Also check the values of MACD in the legend. The crossover value may be too small to see as a bar.

    My guess is you are not doing anything wrong.
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