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Not finding NSE Indices in scan workbench scan criteria and 1 another

In the Scan Criteria of Scan Editor Box, I want to scan the stocks only under NIFTY 500 index and other indices of NSE, for particular indicators, candlestick patterns, trends, volume etc. Now , how to set the criteria in such a away as mentioned.

Also, the "Last market closed(2 May)" in After market hour Time of 3rd may. I was setting criteria at 7.30 pm and NSE EOD ends at 3.30pm. So, it should have been "Last market closed(3 May)" not " Last market closed(2 May)"

How to set the Scan Workbench for scanning NSE indices and stocks as per Indian Trading hour.
Farid, India


  • For the time question (last market closed), you should probably ask Support how they handle the time difference. My guess is, they are using the time on their servers (probably in Seattle) instead of the NSE exchange local time, but they might be able/willing to adjust it for the .

    For the NSE question, you probably already know this -

    If you look under "Indexes and ETFs" on the scan workbench, you will see there are options for US and Canadian indexes, like SP500, etc. and if you add these to your scan, e.g. [group is sp500] you will get the 500 symbols in the index.

    However, if you select "NSE" you get 1671 symbol hits, which I'm guessing is everything to do with the NSE, including a variety of indexes ( prefixed with "$" ), but there are no separate options for the various NSE indexes. The same is true for "LSE" (London).

    The indexes listed in the NSE scan ( [group is NSE] ) include the NIFTY 500, but just as an index, not the 500 individual symbols. So, if you want to scan the NIFTY 500 symbols, you will have to make your own list and include the list name in your scan. The components must be listed online somewhere. Possibly you can import them as a text file or an Excel file.

    This is a pain, because the list probably changes from time to time. I would recommend you contact support about this also - ask them to consider Index and ETF options that scan the symbols for the most popular NSE indexes and ETFs. If you have friends who use Stockcharts, get them to request it, too. It will take some time, but if they see demand for it, they will do it eventually.
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