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Account Access Denied

The web site falsely saying as..

Access to has been denied due to Excessive chart requests: 1201 (R: (

It denies my access.
How to contact the support to activate my account?


  • markdmarkd mod
    edited August 12
    The support page has changed, but you can still access Support directly.

    On your Member page (the one with your name on it that comes up when you first sign in) click on Help in the upper right corner.

    On the page that comes up after you click Help, in the blue box under the heading "Support Center" click on "Click Here" where it says "Send us a question or concern".

    Include the error statement you quoted above, and if you know, the time you received it and what tools/features you were using on the site at the time.

    It could be an error on their part, or maybe some kind of transmission error, or it could be you unwittingly did violate one of their rules.

    From your description, these may be the rules in question:
  • I get that error when I open like 150 tabs on the site too close together. They probably think I am DDOSing them.
  • Just wait a few minutes. You access will be automatically restored.
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