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GM. I am trying to save yet another scan into the alert system. I have tried repeatedly since yesterday afternoon. Have tried several times this morning as well. As a test, I also tried to set up an alert for another scan and it worked fine. There must be something wrong with my scan, but I can't figure out what is wrong. The syntax checks out. I am not over the maximum number of alerts. I am well below the maximum characters allowed. I don't know what else to check. Do you have any ideas that I can check?
Delete all versions of the scan and alert and log out of Stockcharts. Also close your browser. Then log back in and start over with a completely new scan, a completely new alert and completely new names.
It appears you are safely within the character limits, so the number of characters bumping up against the limit is probably unrelated to the problem.
It is possible there is an "end of file" character, or some other character created and used by the scan interpreter that you can't see (and didn't type) embedded somewhere in your text - that would be the corruption.
I'm suggesting starting clean so you know that corruption isn't there. When you copy and paste, you can't be sure where it is, so you may or may not be copy/pasting it.
When they programmed the system, they probably didn't anticipate so many lengthy scans from an individual user. They have to set a limit to prevent malicious viruses eating up the disk space. So they probably took an average usage per subscriber plus some extra to set the limit, and maybe you've found it.
And not sure if / what other clauses like that there is in this thing, as never found a full blooded glossary of terms, nor a simple database items list of exactly what is stored as well as
The last three lines of this particular scan copied so that you can see it exactly as it exists....or[[EMA(14) X Close] or [SMA(14) X Close] or [EMA(20) X Close] or [SMA(20) X Close]]
or [[SMA(20,RSI(14)) X EMA(20,RSI(14))]]]]///End Group Signals
]///Individual Signal
As you can see, I don't have any individual Signals yet. I can't get the scan or the alert to accept any more than I already have. This scan says that it has 1637 characters left.
new topic:
So this
[EMA(14) X Close]
says, close crosses below the ema.
Whereas this
SMA(20,RSI(14)) X EMA(20,RSI(14))
says the sma crosses above the ema.
Is that what you intend? (not saying it's wrong, just wondering)
Also, are you using the exact same tests against each index, or are the tests customized for each index?
I'm thinking if you are using the same tests against each, you could use one universe (e.g. a favorites list), but break up the scans by test - e.g. one scan for price vs. mas, one scan for indicators vs. mas, etc.
That might help you get around the limits, if that's what's happening.
Sorry I can't be of more help. I'm out of ideas.
I'd contact main, and curious as response time as I have been waiting 6 months for a symbol question answer, and gave up after 2 attempts
markd & lmkwin? =thumbs up ;-) [and anything historical that DOES WORK]
1) Has anyone, anywhere see documentation of the database and field names -vs- friendly names?
Why? to see what data is actually accessible
2) why 2?
Here's data baby, why the he** can't I access and scan it as I am paying for it$SPX&view=straddle
3) ?? [3 strikes [for a paid site] I am out as I Paid for a year = 2 months left and [big grin]