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Narrow Range

Hello and Greetings Need scanner as in the code. Narrow Range N-Day pattern is defined as the narrowest range from high to low of any N-day period relative to any N-day period within the previous 20 market days (Look_Back). N = [2, 19], Step = 1;Look_Back = [20, 50], Step = 1; attached herewith the source link
Thank you


  • markdmarkd mod
    edited November 2024
    To scan for whether today's range is the narrowest in the last 7 days

    and [range = min(7, range)]

    Then, if I understand what "Look_Back" does (just guessing), you would have to compare today's range to the min7 range of the last 20 days. The scan language is very limited - to make it easy to learn - so you have to write out everything instead of packaging the repetitive code in a function (like "Look_Back").

    and [range < 1 day ago min(7,range)]
    and [range < 2 days ago min(7, range)]
    and [ etc. ]

    repeat all the way to

    and [range < 20 days ago min(7,range)]

    I have no idea how well this would work, although the original Toby Crabel N7 trade was famous for a while.

    He wrote a book with Linda Raschke on short term trade set ups which was very expensive when it first came out. I don't know if its still available new or used. Check Amazon.

    Also, you might be interested in Linda Raschke videos on Youtube.

  • Thank you for the scanner ...I will use the above code and see what results I get and shall watch the videos
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