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Automating Earnings Release Scan
I'm current using "and [next earnings date > 20250322] to avoid any earnings from today until March 22 and it is working fine. But, what I would to do when I run a scan is to automatically use today's date + 31 days out as the limitation for any E/R's. Thus, I can avoid re-entering a date every time I run this scan. Thanks
This works
[group is sp500]
and [next earnings date > 20250323]
and [next earnings date < 20250423]
In other words, "<" works with next earnings date even though its undocumented. So you can request earnings date within a particular range.
But, that doesn't help with the edit problem. There doesn't seem to be a way to make the scan generic.
You could send in a suggestion to Support. It's a good idea and you can't be the only one who would find it useful. Ask them if there is a way they could do
and [next earnings date > today + 30 days]
and while they are at it, also
and [next earnings date < today + 60 days]
or something similar.
p.s. this works, too, although the "=" is undocumented
and [next earnings date = 20250325]