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Know the value of a variable that is most represented over a given period.
Hello everyone,
I'd like to ask you if you know of any methods and/or sources for finding out, for a given market/sector..., the value of a variable that is the most represented over a given period.
- For example, to know on a given date what was the most represented price on all S&P 500 stocks.
- Another example, to find out on a given date what was the most represented ATR value on all S&P 500 stocks.
Thank you in advance for your answers.
do you mean most frequently occurring?
The scan engine only returns symbols, not numbers, so you can't do counts in a scan.
But, you can include a "rank by" statement in your scan that will display the requested values in order on the results page, if that helps.
An example:
[group is sp500]
rank by close
Another example:
[group is sp500]
rank by ATR(14)
For actual counts, you could try downloading the scan results as a .csv file (download button at the top of results page), importing it into Excel or another spreadsheet, and using a function like COUNTIF( ) or COUNTIFS( ). Or maybe functions for average, mean, mode, etc.