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Why are the data feeds for some of the currencies a day behind.

$cadjpy,$#eurjpy and others are NOT reported on a timely basis. I can not see any excuse and it is greatly annoying.

Best Answer


  • markdmarkd mod
    edited January 2015
    It does seem odd. Some pairs are reported for the current EOD (on 1/22 at 7am eastern, that would be 1/21 for the US and Canada), e.g. $usdjpy chart date is 1/21, but $jpyusd chart date is 1/20. Maybe there is a time zone discrepancy - but far east markets should close first, I think. For instance, Tokyo is now Thursday 9 pm, or 14 hours ahead.
  • Thanks for your thoughts. However, other sights have the information on a correct basis all the time. And when the day closes on Friday, there is no reason to have to wait until Tuesday to get Fridays closing figures. I think Stockcharts needs to check there data provider.
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