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Why do annotations move on my charts after the charts are saved?
I save my charts in a custom 1600 x 1485 format. All indicators are set to auto. In this way I can see the chart and two indicator windows when I am in full screen. I don't like using the "10 per page" setting. I generally view charts by being in edit mode and using the triangle left and right tabs to scroll through the charts in a chart list.
The problem of the moving annotations has only just recently started.
I am sure it has something to do with all the indicators set to auto. Then as the price chart expands due to price movement the indicators should shrink in size. But this doesn't explain why the annotations move on the price chart.
Any annotations will move toward the left by the width of a bar to maintain their position relative to prices. So if you drew a trend line from Jan 28 to Feb10, the start and end points of the trend line will "remain" at Jan 28 and Feb 10 as those dates move left. The same thing happens for text and shapes, even though they may not relate directly to prices like a trend line.
Does that help at all?
I think quickcoin is having a different problem. When I first got started a long time ago, I used to notice the same problem. I figured the reason for the annotations moving separate from the advancement of time had to do with too many of something on the chart like too many indicators on the chart, too many annotations on the chart, or simply the chart being too big.
I finally got rid of this problem long ago and I no longer have problems like this since these days I do things totally differently.
P.S. The price chart is not expanding. Time is simply advancing and price moves along with it in the chart range that you are viewing it in. The indicators do not shrink. They have formulas and the formulas get updated as new historical data is added to the chart due to the advancement of time.
Just click linkable version, short URL and then copy the URL and post that link here and someone will have a look. Here's a screen shot of how to do that.
I use fibs alot, never noticed that. But the pitchfork is more complicated. Fib values don't change over time, but pitchfork values do - the extended values change but not the anchor values. So something about the anchor values not adjusting to the new scale?
You do you mean by "too big and too much"?
By too big, I mean that the size of the chart itself is too big for annotations to stay consistent. Annotations themselves may be too big. Big charts have lots of bars (data), lots of calculations from indicators, and too many moving parts for annotations.
By too much, I mean there may be too many annotations, too many indicators, too many bars, too much data for annotations to stay consistent. Think of it as overwhelming for the poor annotations.
Annotations work best when there is smaller and less. This is what I am trying to get you to try.
Try the SCC Default ChartStlye with 2 indicators, and no more than 2 or 3 annotations. I would even lower the size to less than 900 like 700 - 900. Do this for testing annotations. Let us know how it goes.
For your everyday charts, try installing all the free ChartPacks and get ideas from those.
I do not know how SCC ties annotations to charts. It may be via pixel coordinates or some other methodology, but it is the best technique they could develop at the time.
I have no need to understand their technical methodology in order to use it. It would be interesting to know though.
The annotation tool is undergoing a rewrite this year. You could decide to wait for the new version to be released.