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How does the new version of s.c.a.n. differ from the old one?

Here are a couple of the key ways the two systems differ:

The old version of s.c.a.n. was limited to the "Question/Answer" format. This new version includes both Discussion Threads (like a regular forum) and Q&A topics.

The badge reward system is completely different.

Obviously, the visual format of the topics are different.

There is more security and better protection against spammers and scammers. (Unfortunately, nothing is foolproof however.)

The editor you use to create posts and comments is different.

You no longer vote for posts that you like/dislike nor do you have to mark comments as "accepted" (which no one did anyways /sigh).

You no longer need to tag posts. Instead there is a pre-created collection of high-level "categories" for grouping related posts.

Things look much better on mobile devices.

...and much much more. Enjoy!

- Chip
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