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Is there a way to define a matrix of stock prices within a scan? Or at least "record" or call up a stock value based on a certain parameter of time - such as keeping the lowest closing value or intraday value in the last two weeks?
The scan engine is designed to return symbols for items in its database (mainly equities and etfs) that meet conditions specified in the scan. It cannot return any other kind of value(s). So it can't tell you what was the price of a stock a year ago, because that value is a number. But it could tell you all the symbols that were priced under 10 dollars a year ago.
If you have a programming background, you can pick up the syntax in no time after reading the "Instructions" link at the bottom of the advanced scan page (if your subscription allows) or the "Technical Scans" section of the Support page.
Price(today) >= LowestPrice(10 day span) * 1.05
Sorry I haven't seen scan functions so I just kinda made that function up with my own words/terminology.
[symbol is "AAPL"]
and [close > min(10, close) * 1.05]
In this case, the condition is not true, so no symbol gets returned. If it were true, it would return AAPL.
If you wanted to run it against a group of symbols, it might be
[group is SP500]
and [close > min(10, close) * 1.05]
and it returns 368 symbols (tonight).
I assume if I go to the next level membership there are tutorials for learning that syntax in your scan logic?
Is this how many scan criteria/formulas you've set up and saved, or how many scans you've executed. If I have 200 scans does that mean I can only scan 200 times? Or I can save 200 scan formulas and run them 1000 times each?