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How to write a scan - Anyone able to help this 70 year young man
Stocks = US and CDN
Time of search EMA 5 Crossed EMA 20
daily average volume over 50 days => 250,000
Stock price => 30.00
price must be above 200 MA
First, delete the default text from the text window so the window is completely blank.
Then, for "Stocks = US and CDN" :
select "country" from the Ticker Properties and click Add.
Note it fills in "US" for you.
Now copy that and paste it to the end of the same line.
Delete "US" and type "c". The advanced editor suggests "Canada", so click on that.
Now put one opening bracket "[" at the very beginning of the line, in front of country is US and then put a closing bracket "]" at the very end of the line, after country is Canada.
Now put the word "or" (not "and") between country is US and country is Canada.
If you see a red box with a white "x" in it, that means there is a syntax error. Put your cursor over the red box to see what it is, and fix it. You may have to click the "Check Syntax" button under the text window to clear the red boxes.
Then, for "stock price > 30":
select "close" from the Price Volume SCTRs drop down and edit the price for 30.
Then, for "price must be above 200 MA"
select "close" again as before
delete the price and type "sm"; click on the SMA suggestion from the editor
edit the suggestion - delete "volume", type "close"; delete "50", type "200"; delete "> 9999999"
Then, for "daily average volume over 50 days => 250,000"
select "SMA" from the Technical Indicators drop down; edit the suggestion to your requirements.
Finally, for "Time of search EMA 5 Crossed EMA 20"
"Time of search" doesn't mean anything in Stockcharts, so just ignore it.
select "EMA" from the drop down
edit the suggestion - change "50" to "5"; change "volume" to "close", change ">" to "x" (x is the crossover operator); delete "999999", type "E", select EMA from the suggestions and edit to "20, close" and delete the ">999999".
If you have any red boxes, make the suggested corrections.
If you get stuck, post what you have.
Thank you so much.
which country are you in
i will try the way you suggested.
best regards
I need some creating a scan.
3 EMA and 60 EMA both inside the day’s trading range and close above 3 EMA and low below 60 EMA .
So, "inside the day's range" means
and EMA < high
and EMA > low
Close above the EMA is just
and close > EMA
Low below the EMA is just
and low < EMA
I'll leave it to you to get the syntax right (with brackets and parameters). If you have trouble, post what you have. The advanced editor should help flag any mistakes.
Follow the detailed instructions I laid out for you above as best you can. This is what I would tell you on the phone.
Copy and paste your best effort here if it does not work.