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Need to create alert when total of my portfolio exceeds predefined amt
I have 2 stocks in my portfolio and would like to create an alert ( scan?) to get notified when total value of my portfolio exceeds predefined amt:
Something like this:
shares1 * price1 + shares2 * price2 > amt
I know that I can have access to stock prices for one symbol, so the question is can I access prices of 2 diff symbols in the same expression?
Is this doable in StockCharts ?
Thank you,
It might be helpful for stockcharts to add the ability to use functions for different symbols in one expression. This would allow to create alerts and scans for the portfolios comprised of multiple securities …
StockCharts doesn't offer portfolios, they offer ChartLists. If they offered portfolio functions, I'd drop my membership at the Nasdaq Dorsey Wright website. For what it's worth, NDW doesn't offer alerting functions based on portfolio values. They only offer alerts based on individual holdings and the price or chart action of that security.
TD ameritrade alerts some how work not as expected … still learning …
Can anybody point me to the website that allows alerts for portfolios?
This one looks at specific symbol for a cross below a certain price, but you can modify the statements to meet pretty much anything that StockCharts allows to be included in a statement.
[symbol is 'MSFT'] and [23 x Close]
OR [symbol is 'AMZN'] and [23 x Close]
OR [symbol is 'GOOG'] and [23 x Close]
TDA is in process of merging with Schwab. Maybe Schwab will have "portfolio" alerting based on value of specific holdings.
Will check it out!