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How do I scan for symbols with CLOSE < SMA(50,CLOSE) ??
I tried many different versions, NONE work.
I've created many scans before and they all work, but the simple scan of Close < SMA(50,Close) does not work. 90% of the symbols coming thru have a close > than the SMA(50), contrary to what I am scanning for.
Each scan has only this one condition. I tried
[ Type is Stock ]
[ [group is SP500]
or [group is SP400]
or [group is SP600]
or [group is NASDAQ100]
and [ today's Close < today's SMA(50,Close) ]
alternatively, I tried
and [ yesterday's Close < yesterday's SMA(50,Close) ]
alternatively, I tried
and [ Close < SMA(50,Close) ]
alternatively, I tried
and [ today's Close < 1 day ago SMA(50,Close) ]
alternatively, I tried
and [ today's daily Close < yesterday's daily SMA(50,Close) ]
etc, etc, etc, I tried many different versions, including the reverse, SMA(50,Close) > Close.
All my scan alternatives get the OK from "Check Syntax", so the code is correct.
This is such a simple scan, but it is not finding symbols with the CLOSE < than the SMA(50) of the close.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
I am using the 50 SMA (not EMA).
I also ran this today with the first code [today's Close < today's SMA(50,Close)] at about 3:40 PM NY time. 379 symbols came thru. For example, first 10 symbols coming thru were: AAPL, ABC, ACA, ACC, ACIW, ADBE, ADSK, ADUS, AEE, AEL
Symbol Price ($ only) SMA(50)
AAPL $149 147.11
ABC $125 122.00
ACA $ 55 51.65
ACC $ 53 50.97
ACIW $ 35 31.47
ADBE $657 628.47
ADSK $329 296.66
ADUS $102 85.86
AEE $ 84 83.94
AEL $ 37 31.75
In each of the above 10 sample symbols the Close was HIGHER than the SMA(50) of the Close, in some cases substantially higher, i.e ADBE, ADSK, AEL, etc
The code requires that the Close is supposed to be LOWER than the SMA(50) of the close!!
Please advise.
Thank you for your help.
The symbols you list are NOT in my results at all. The first 10 I get are
Maybe it's a browser problem. Try deleting any lists you may have used to save your results, then clear your browser's cache - or try a different browser altogether and see if that helps. Probably wouldn't hurt to reboot, too, if you haven't since the last time you ran the scan.
P.S. - lmkwin's method is a very efficient way to check your results (rather than randomly checking). When you add the rank by statement, "rank by [close - today's SMA(50,Close)]", ignore the syntax error. It works fine.
List A is my public chartlist. It had a sort on it already.
The resulting List A had a bunch of mismatched Symbols with Names. They were all correct symbols and correct names. They were just mismatched on many. So the Name in the list was for one symbol in the list but the symbol was not for that name.
I noticed it yesterday, and was able to replicate it. So I then copied List A to a new List B. Ran the sort on List B and then Replaced List A with the results and it worked fine.
I didn't clear the cache that time but I have had clearing the cache work on most all other issues where something peculiar was occurring.