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!GT50SPX in scans??

Can I scan to check whether today's value of !GT50SPX is the low for the previous 10 days with

[favorites list is 58] // List #58 has !GT50SPX in it
and [ min(10,close) = close ]

I tried it for past trading dates around a 10-day min, but it does not trigger.

I'm wondering whether we can do scans with those types of indicators

List #58 has !GT50SPX in it


  • I had similar results. Symbols beginning with !GT are custom indexes. There are alot of them and they are very useful. Other indexes beginning with "$" are scannable, but those beginning with "!GT" are not. I believe there is a historical reason for this - they were not originally developed by Stockcharts, and possibly the agreement with the vendor, whose name escapes me now - did not allow them to be scanned, possibly because that would undercut their advisory business. But I'm just guessing. Possibly the data format at the time was not compatible, too, and they never got around to modifications. Again, just guessing.

    If this sort of scan is important to your market analysis, you could make a request/suggestion to Support to include them. Tell them how you use them and how they could be important to their subscribers - in other words, sell them. I have found peaks and troughs of these indicators (above 80 - over bought in down trends - although you don't see that very often these days, below 20 - oversold in up trends) do often mark advantageous set ups for entries or exits. I have them on my default charts and sector based charts.
  • Thanks MarkD
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited February 2024
    there is a $ symbol equivalent for !GT50SPX. $SPXA50 is the total number of issues above and $SPXA50R is the percentage of the total above.

    These come up in scans. Another thought is to set a Price Alert in the Alerts workbench. You pick the level, set for cross above or below and save it to notify you when it triggers. That appears to be a valid setup using the !GT50SPX
  • Ooooh cool. Thanks lmkwin
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