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Another StockCharts TV show has ended.

Bruce Faser just announced that his Power Charting show that just posted was his last show.
Last week, Halftime by Chaikin Analytics announced their last show was their last show.
Earlier this year, Dave Landry announced his show has ended.
Larry Williams turned into a separately paid service now.

Running low on watchable shows. Tom Bowley and Joe Rabil have good shows.



  • markdmarkd mod
    edited March 2024
    To what would you attribute the attrition - so many followers they left for greener pastures, or so few followers it wasn't worth the effort, or something else?
  • I'd say corporate decision. The remaining shows, for the most part, are inhouse "talent" or ones with financial ties to plug-ins.
  • Larry Williams is retiring so his Members ONLY stuff is coming to an end in the next few months. is also closing it's "bookstore". I just got the Last Call email. I don't recall a first call but it is what it is.

    "Finally, this is the last call, end-of-the-line, never-again, final last chance to purchase items from our bookstore. We are shutting it down next week, but right now you can save up to 70% (!) off of our remaining inventory. Get 'em while the getting is good!
    Happy Charting!
    Sarah Fung
    Director of Marketing,"

    For those wondering where the Store is on, in the upper right of the home page is the Store link, next to the Help link. The store isn't laid out well as they segmented too much so that you really should click on each of the sections. Just an FYI MOST books are not 70% off on the screen. Not even in the Clearance section. Maybe you have to put them in the cart? Who knows, but if you were in the market for some older resource books, it may be worth your time to check it out. Next week apparently, it's gone. I don't know where the ChartPacks are going. I'd think that they would still be selling those, but we'll see.

  • Greg Morris has "signed off" from his blog after 10 years of "Dancing with the Trend".
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited September 2024
    I should clarify the Larry Williams comment I made with "rumour has it that Larry Williams is retiring..." I don't have concrete knowledge yet, just my gossip based on a partial email from

    I'm not a Family Member so I can't read the rest.

    I would guess there would be an announcement from the site, but then I assumed there would be an announcement when most of the others left, like Tushar Chande.

    They also have removed the Banner off the Articles page related to John Murphy, the Chief Technical Analyst for StockCharts from 2002 to present according to his LinkedIn. He hadn't posted an update on this year, so I guess that tells you something.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited September 2024
    And... there goes another one. Put an X on The Final Bar show.

    And might as well put an X on The Daily Five as that seems to be very hit and miss and might be better called The Whenever We Feel Like It Five. Moxie Indicator hasn't done a new show in 6 months or so.

    I did say that when they launched headlong into developing ACP and not fixing simple things in SharpCharts, that something just didn't feel right about the direction. I will say that Julius de Kampenear sounded a bit less enthusiastic in his last presentation. Keller's enthusiasm dropped off as well recently.

    So....Who's Next (a great album... back when albums were a thing).
  • Grayson hasn't been spotted on the site in well over a month. His last "StockCharts In Focus" show was 2 months ago. He blew off last month's 10 Stocks to Buy for August. Keller did that one alone. Recently heard Grayson moved into a new house and had a baby .
  • I will guess he has a 12 WEEK LEAVE for having the baby. This is a SOCIALIST benefit for workers, almost entirely in the public sector. Private companies cannot afford this and still be profitable. Independent workers, store owners, landscapers, trades people, etc. especially.
  • Trading is a competitive business, it's not obvious that stockcharts in still upper tier. Creating ACP was a catch-up charting move, meanwhile other services, such as trendspider and for example, concentrate more on finding investment opportunities thru scanning and backtesting of solutions, charting is part of their process but not the primary reason to use their services. Paradigm shift has taken place and, assuming you want to be a successful trader, there are many opportunities elsewhere, again it's a competitive business.
  • recently updated their Blogs listing.

    John Murphy is no longer listed in the MEMBERS ONLY section. His last post was in 2023.

    Moxie Indicator and Top Advisor's Corner has disappeared as well.

    Dancing with the Trend's last post was his sign off at the beginning of September.

    Fill The Gap by CMT and StockCharts In Focus (Grayson's blog) and The Trader's Journal (Grayson and his Dad's blog) haven't posted an entry since June.

  • 1) Where is Grayson? .. He is silent as a bug under a rug.

    2) StockCharts is lagging behind other software - Think or Swim, Trading View, etc.

    3) ACP was a long detour down a one way road ..... I bet 95% members do not use it.

    4) Stock Charts classic is still a likeable program. It just feels a little dated.

    5) Too many public people leaving. Makes you wonder ...

    6) I wish the article writers would change their methodology or at lease present other ones for teaching. TB, JR, DL, AH, DP is always the exact same story. There are millions of indicators, strategies, methods to trade ... and of course, nothing works all the time because the market is so complex and ever changing.
  • markdmarkd mod
    edited October 2024
    I have TOS, too, but I use it for real time, not research. To my mind, Stockcharts is more for after the market closes, and weekends, when you do your thinking and reviewing. The others are more for live trading.

    I think SC should spend more time communicating with their users - about the 'experts' who come and go, but also about what's happening on the site - introducing/explaining their updates to the site, short and sweet Youtube tutorials for each of the site's features - creating/saving/applying/changing chart styles within lists, Gallery view styles, Candleglance styles, etc. Maybe tutorials on how to compare stocks within an industry. How to compare industries, how to compare sectors, etc. There are many different methods (SCTR, Relative Rotation, etc.) - these could be grouped together on Youtube as playlists.

    A lot of this is simple stuff, but not for a newcomer. Basically, they could do videos for just about every topic in Chart School, which is an excellent resource, except that not everyone learns by reading. A lot of people are visual/auditory learners. But the videos need to be fun, dynamic and enthusiastic, not dry, academic/professorial. Every chart school article should have a link to a video.

    A feature I've just discovered - I don't really know how new it is - is the one-click Candleglance for built in groups. It is great. To see it, go to your Dashboard to the SCTR Reports panel and click on Candleglance in the lower right corner (there may be another way to get there). On the landing page, click on Pre-defined Groups. Everything is there in the drop down by industry or index, etc., Click on one and you can see all the charts in that group in your custom Candleglance chart style. That is just a terrific feature. Saves a lot of list making, yet you can review the hot sectors of the market (or the cold ones, if you like bottom fishing) very easily.
  • Also Joe Duarte's and Tim Ord's Top Advisors Corners haven't posted since Jan 2024. The historical artilces have disappeared.
  • Nothing like misleading your customers . This approach will eventually catch up to them , and i for one will not be returning because of this
  • markdmarkd mod
    edited October 2024

    Stockcharts TV and Articles content is accessible without a subscription (unless it's marked members only), so it's not misleading in the sense that you are not getting something you paid for. It does seem to me though that it would be good customer care to email their subscribers anyway about the comings and goings of contributors, so I get that part it.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited October 2024
    Looks like they are replacing Grayson with Interactive Demos. Feel free to browse through the Support Center pages....

    Here's a link to the Interactive Data Slider demo. I do use this setting on my time based charts already but, now I know that others will have a valuable interactive demo to learn about this tool, it's just a good feeling. Best part is that you don't have to listen to Grayson poorly explain it in a obsurdly lengthy and drawn out "show".

    On TOS, you can set up your own custom indicators and put alerts on those indicators as well as setting up custom columns to show in your chartlist displays for those indicators. You can create custom lablels to show on the charts as well. You can also use them for scanning there but I don't do too much of that on TOS, preferring StockCharts for my scanning. Both systems are a bit clunky but relatively reliable.

    @Inv334 , if you use the magnifying glass in the upper right of the page and type in Joe Duarte or Tim Ord or John Murphy for that matter, and change the results page to "Blog Articles" it should still call up the historical information.

    I've often said that one of my favorite views on StockCharts is the CandleGlance, as it is very flexible and a quick way to review a lot of charts. Many of the panels you can put on your Dashboard have the Candleglance option. The Predefined groups dropdown is in the upper right

    On the panels you can pick what you would like to see. Clicking on More option in the upper right you can pick New Highs and New Lows. It displays for you the new H/L in an interactive Period range. So you can pick 3 month H/L or 9 month H/L or All Time High (ATH)

    One thing that would be great is to have the ability to create a chartlist from here. Of course being able to create a chartlist from the Performance view would also be nice, or having them consolidate the performance view into columns available in the Summary view would be great as well. Summary is another one of my favorite views as you can sort a list very quickly and easily there.

  • markdmarkd mod
    edited October 2024
    Well, it's nice they are doing something (the 'interactive' demos), but they really should do actual videos with voice-over - and closed caption would be helpful too, for foreign subscribers. The date slider interactive doesn't actually show changes in 'real time', like the drop down to start/end, or highlight how the chart changed. It's there, but you have to know already to where to look. I think as a newbie, I would find it hard to follow - not much easier than the written documentation, and maybe less so.

    It looks like an "in house" production. Training is not a new profession. You would think they could get an expert consultant who understands the principles of how people learn, someone who could design easy to follow - ridiculously easy to follow - lessons.
  • Key statement was “ historical “ , in regards I followed John Murphy from day I started and appreciated his post and thoughts, but example here is come Dec he has been a no show . Just one example that hit home for me. Being a “ member” gave you his page and one wouldn’t know this unless you have been a member who followed John .

  • It looks like they are trying to rebuild/ recreate the ChartSchool but I don't think that the programmers are users and I don't think that the people in charge have the vision to tell the programmers what to do. Instead I think that the programmers say, this is what we are doing, and the others try to sell it as being an advancement.

    I've seen this type of situation before with Dorsey Wright Associates. That was a great website. When Dorsey and Wright decided to retire, they sold the company to a venture capital firm and Dorsey said that "nothing would change". Within a year they had quietly replaced all of the DWA personnel and installed their own staff.
    The VC took steps to find a way to resell the company to a higher bidder. That's what they do. In the process they killed what made Dorsey Wright such a great website. Sure they announced they were making changes to the website but they didn't detail how they were going to wipeout what made the site fast, flexible and full of useful informaton. They rolled out their new front end and it was terribly slow and would often "timeout" when loading. Took them months to fix that. Once they "fixed" it they then tried to rebuild what the users requested to have back. Then they cut off communications and sold the company to Nasdaq for a hefty flip for the VC.

    Not saying that StockCharts is up for sale, this just reminds me of how things "changed" at DWA.

    Anyone enjoying the new MarketCarpet they rolled out? I hear it's a great way to find new ideas.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited October 2024
    Just an FYI, if you use the Predefined Industry groups, they are not the entire industry group that you can see if you go into the Sector / Industry Summary drill down. The Predefined group appears to be a handful of names they selected with no rhyme or reason that I can discern.

    Also they have more Industry groups showing here than they do in the Industry Summary.

    Maybe they will add those additional $DJUSxx Industry classifications into the Sector/Industry Summary views when they get around to updating that part of the site.

    You will be able to note the Industry symbols that aren't in the available SC database because they don't appear in the CandleGlance group you selected.


    Computer Software

    CRM Software (no $DJUSxx chart)

    And some Predefined Industry groups have inactive/ not valid symbols in them, so they probably aren't automatically updated or reviewed. In the Oil Services for example, PXD was bought by XOM beginning of May still listed in the Predefined Industry group. DISH and SJR are listed in the Cable group. So, it's a work in process I assume.

  • This week's Chartwatchers Newsletter featured an old name. He only talks about the new $40/month Add-On though. So no news on the other changes that we've noticed on the site.

    Hello, Fellow ChartWatchers!

    Chip here. It's been a while since I've written an article for the newsletter, but I've got big news that I just have to share personally.

    As you may have noticed, we've been upping our game when it comes to stock options. Earlier this year, we added a new page with options quotes and straddles. As part of that effort, we partnered with Tony Zhang and the team at


    He ends with....

    Thanks for reading through my long sales pitch! I know it’s a lot to take in, but this really is a big deal. It is my sincere hope that this will help you reach your investing goals even sooner.

    Take care,
    - Chip

    P.S. "Cyber Monday" is starting early this year! Watch for our best sale of the year coming next week!
    Have a great weekend!
    Chip Anderson
  • Where is Grayson ??? ............... Be cautious when the cook has left the kitchen ....
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Not to start speading rumors as I know nothing but I wonder why they are moving up the Cyber Monday deal? Need an infusion of cash for severence payments or ....?
  • Competition is real ! Who's next to leave , Pring? Time will tell , new year just around the corner
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Pring's in his 80's so that wouldn't be surprising. I do enjoy his analysis and would miss that. I've saved some of Pring's chart templates to use in my account. Carl Swenlin is up there in age also. I don't enjoy his analysis nearly as much. But then, I'm a longer term investor and like what I like.

    A lot of the content creators have to focus more on the short term to keep throwing out new analysis to feed their subscribers.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited November 2024
    Grayson sighting.

    He posts on X somewhat regularly also.
  • "Anyone enjoying the new MarketCarpet they rolled out? I hear it's a great way to find new ideas."

    In case you didn't notice, they have recently changed the RRG Charts also. They don't have a "New" tag on the Homepage so it's probably easy to miss that they are updated.

    They haven't added any RRG filters to the scan workbench as yet.

    Anyone enjoying the new MarketCarpet or the new RRG Charts they rolled out?

    You know what may make MarketCarpet and RRG Charts a little more useful is if they allowed you to use one of YOUR chartlists as the Group.

    Regarding Options Play, Grayson said that it's basically the cost of 2 trips to Starbucks per month. Just to put it in perspective.
  • My problem with both RRG and Market Carpet is ........
    ..... I have not figured out how to use them to MAKE MONEY yet.
    Yes - they look pretty. But how can you MAKE MONEY with them?
  • Expert Karl Montevirgen can help you "spot winning stocks in minutes! ....using this tip for StockCharts' highly useful MarketCarpets tool"

  • When you stack RRG and Market Carpet on top of all the other indicators available and that we are currently using, they offer NO ADDED VALUE ..... Prove me wrong.....
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