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my scan for Wm%R for last 3 days keeps omitting funds

Having trouble with a basic scan.
I've got a scan of a chartlist of Williams %R for the last 3 days when it falls below -75.
The scan accurately picked up most of the funds that had this condition except for QS, XLV, ARKW, AVGO, EFT and others.

All of these were below -75 within the last 3 days but did not get flagged... any thoughts?

here's the script: [[today's williams %R(10) <= -75] or [yesterday's williams %R(10) <= -75] or [2 days ago williams %R(10) <= -75] or [3 days ago williams %R(10) <= -75] ] and [favorites list is 13] // may 22 Fid list

these screen views are typical of these funds that got missed:


  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited May 2024
    Build your scan with the Universe listed at the top of the scan. Then add your filters.

    Try to think of a scan as a narrowing process you will pour the data through. Your Universe is at the top as it has the most amount of securities. Then you narrow down the results, if desired, with other requirements that will filter out from that universe.

    If you build it out of order, you will get unreliable results.

    I ran this scan and got 4 results.

    [[symbol EQUALS 'ARKW']
    OR [symbol EQUALS 'AVGO']
    OR [symbol EQUALS 'EFT']
    OR [symbol EQUALS 'QS']]

    and [[Williams %R(10) < -20.0]
    OR [1 DAYS AGO Williams %R(10) < -75.0]
    OR [2 DAYS AGO Williams %R(10) < -75.0]
    OR [3 DAYS AGO Williams %R(10) < -75.0]]

    Move your chartlist line to the top and try running it again.

    btw, I always use 1 days ago or 1 weeks ago or 1 months ago as my modifiers. I'm pretty sure that yesterday's or last week's and stuff like that may work. I just find it cleaner to look at, and easier to change the numbers vs the text. I have some nested OR's that look at 65 days of filters. Looking for Strong Low Pole patterns would be an example. Was it a strong low pole pattern 1 days ago? 2 days ago? 50 days ago?
  • thanks, let me do the revision and i'll let you know how it works...
  • very frustrating and does not inspire confidence...

    i ran the revised script on my chartlist which included both QS and ARKW both of which were below -75 on may 23 and it didnt include them. ARKF and others were also below -75 on may 23 and it did include them.

    here was my revised script...
    [favorites list is 13] // may 22 Fid list

    and [[williams %R(10) <= -75]
    or [1 day ago williams %R(10) <= -75]
    or [2 days ago williams %R(10) <= -75]
    or [3 days ago williams %R(10) <= -75] ]
  • in fact to better isolate this, in just scanning for ARKW and ARKF,

    i only get ARKF but not ARKW running the scan even though
    ARKW had a WM%R of -77 on May 23 at 1245 but didnt show.
    ARKF also had a WM%R of -78 on May 23 at 1245 as well but did show.

    really frustrating.

    [[symbol EQUALS 'arkw']
    or [symbol EQUALS 'arkf']]

    and [[williams %R(10) <= -75]
    or [1 day ago williams %R(10) <= -75]
    or [2 days ago williams %R(10) <= -75]
    or [3 days ago williams %R(10) <= -75]]
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited May 2024
    The Williams %R 10 is looking at daily time frames.
    You need to review the results for accuracy on a DAILY chart.

    ARKF with a horizontal line added at -75 and the -80 line whited out, shows the %R under -75 in the last 4 days

    ARKF with a horizontal line added at -75 and the -80 line whited out, does NOT show the %R under -75 in the last 4 days

    If you are reviewing on an hourly chart, the Williams %R 10 is measuring a 10 hour period. You can't scan for anything less than a daily time period, so need to review the results, for accuracy, on a daily chart. You can conduct your analysis using any time period you would like, but the scan results are the scan results.

    If you put a 10 day Price Channel on the chart you can see that ARKF got close to the bottom of the channel, and ARKW did not get close to the bottom of the channel in the last 4 days. %R, like Stochastics, show the relationship to highs and lows for the period of the indicator

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