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Got an email link to a StockCharts user survey. I took it and left a lengthy note about the Tab, New Tab, New Tab issue with the scanning that was created in a release. The other questions were not really "shaping the future" type because, if they had done the survey BEFORE the prior release, we would probably not have a "new" marketcarpet, etc. Hey, who knows. I'm just one user. It may be a very popular feature. The survey should bear it out. If it's no popular then what? Are they going to put it back to the way it was? Like I said, not really a shaping the future type of survey.

Hello Fellow ChartWatcher, strives to give you the best charting experience imaginable, but we also recognize there is always room for improvement.

Knowing that everyone's needs are different, we’re on a mission to get to know you! Your status as a valued StockCharts member has earned you a spot in our hand-selected feedback group!

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Thank you for being a member! Together, we'll continue to elevate your experience.

Happy Charting,
The StockCharts Team

P.S. Your feedback shapes our future. Take our survey today and make your voice count!


  • I don't think I got that email, or I blew it away without opening it.

    I wonder if that link would be transferable to here ? Or would that mess up the "hand-selected" character of the survey?

  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited June 2024
    This was the link from the email

    ah, handselected. Maybe I post too many comments on their Youtube videos.
  • Thanks for the link.

    I'm thinking they probably look at who logs in the most, and what they do.

    I added a suggestion for Candleglance, which I love - add buttons to change styles like the chart workbench. I really like candleglance for comparing stocks in an industry.

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