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% above open and % below the open

I know that I have asked this question or a similar question before but what I am using is not working properly and I can't figure out why. Without showing you want it is that I am using how do I ask for a percentage above the open and a percentage below the open? Lets use 2%.


  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited July 26
    close >= open * 1.02

    close <= open * 0.98

    You could use High or low as well. You could even use 1 days ago close or other. The Open part is pretty self explanatory based on your request.
  • Thank you, that is not what I have been using. I do want my scan to include above or below the open.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    If it's still not working correctly post those lines that you have for troubleshooting.
  • Thanks, it seems to be working well so far.
  • Can I ask if 1.0025 and .9975 are both asking for .25%? It looks like 2% is too much
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    1.25 is 25%
    1.025 is 2.5%
    1.0025 is 0.25%

    So at a $25 price

    1.25 is 25% = $6.25
    1.025 is 2.5% = 63 cents
    1.0025 is 0.25% = 6 cents

    Too answer your question....Yes

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