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Restricting Symbols to only '/UN'

I tried "Contains" and "Is", but those didn't work. I'd like to return ONLY REITS in Canada, which are designated by symbols ending in /UN. I also tried various questions in the search bar above, but nothing helped. Sorry for this inconvenience.


    It occurred to me AFTER I posted my problem to try : AND (NAME CONTAINS 'REIT') and yes, that worked. My apologies for not trying harder.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited September 12
    Another option is to select from the Sector & Industries dropdown in the workbench. I don't know if or how many REITS don't have REIT in the name, but selecting the groups from the dropdown should capture them all.

    Country is an option in the Ticker Properties dropdown
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