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Using Search for an exact phrase question

Is there a 'hidden' option not displayed for the ability to search a single category?

As even when I am in /scanning ie...this one now, it feeds me this whole BBS categories and there is no "results per page" no change to add more results and only thing is Next so, using my browser with phrase or keywords in it, and restepping it..= waste of heartbeats -smile-

Well I am 66 years old, programming since paper tape mid 70's, personally involved with MSFT direct since DOS 3.0 1986 thru Windows 2003 as a beta tester...[as well as Borland back in the day] and this sucks -smile- [sorry] as it has been a feature of DOS longer than most of you?? have been alive?

> dir /s *foo* searches in current folder and sub folders. It finds directories as well as files. where /s means (documentation): /s Lists every occurrence of the specified file name within the specified directory and all subdirectories.

> Findstr command released 2000


  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited September 30
    No hidden options that I'm aware of. WYSIWYG

    Did you work with Chip?

    "Chip Anderson is the founder and president of He founded the company after working as a Windows developer and corporate consultant at Microsoft from 1987 to 1997. Since 1999, Chip has guided the growth and development of into a trusted financial enterprise and highly-valued resource in the industry."
  • I agree the SC search engine is sub-par. It needs a lot more work to customize it to the site.

    But it's not as easy as all that. Search engine programming for unstructured text is a whole new ball game.

    Here's a simple intro, if you're not familiar:
  • @lmkwin

    No GTE Government Systems full time in house from late 1986 - Dec 1989 then remote when projects arose thru 1999 apra/darpa etc

    And all this AI hype is just that BS -smile- just upgrading software into chips lol

    Actually had direct email to Billy G back then, as it was his OS, as well as IBM [for hardware] connections all going to "phone lines"

    Keep in mind, long before "individual permissions" and with that for troubleshooting "network issues" = the ability to "be a visitor" ;-)

    Last subbing MSFT crap was thru

    during Quest & MSN Broadband roll outs, out west =
    They took english to Canada and text work to India etc
  • @markd

    No sir, I simple mean this Bulletin Board System > as for years on others ? One can search a single category for results is what I am getting at..20+ for many of them

    1) I am in scanning category now here
    2) Home > Scanning = Search defaults to global = bogus

  • Chip started S.C.A.N. for users to help users. In this case, there is no help available as the forum platform appears to be WYSIWYG.

    Back in 2012 they apparently had a big liking and seemed to promote the use of S.C.A.N. Below was part of a new release announcement back then.

    Currently I don't think that there is a link or any mention now on the website.

    Back in the day, Dorsey Wright Associates had a threaded message board format that was users sharing and helping each other in the Point and Figure and Finanacial Advisor world. That ran from the 90's to 2017. After Nasdaq bought Dorsey Wright from the VC firm they sold out to, the Message Board was "depricated". Decades of useful information and a goldmine of experience was gone in 60 seconds.

    Sure, the Search function often provided information that isn't exactly what you were looking for. But it was great to have the option to try and find it. If S.C.A.N. ever went away, it would be less than optimal for the user experience on in my opinion.
  • TY lmkwin + markd [if it ever went away etc]
    Chip started S.C.A.N. for users to help users. In this case, there is no help available as the forum platform appears to be WYSIWYG.
    From what I am understanding, markd is the only moderator also?

    And markd, did they just give you forum admin rights?

    Ps does either or ANYONE on earth know the start/end or update frequency of using ALERTS = the closet thing to real time, instead of working with things still from the 90's?
  • Here's what the documentation says about how alerts work:

    I'm not the only moderator, just the most active one.
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