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Anyone else out there? I've been asking repeatedly for years, and years but no response from the web designers...Maybe if enough share my request, it might happen. ......... I find, MANY TIMES, a need to have a box to click to delete symbols that appear in my lists which have low volumes...lists created from outside of my scans where I can control volumes, such as Google searches, or building from lists of mutual funds or from components of ETFs, etc. Would be great to be able click a "delete box" alongside symbols in SUMMARY view, where we can see volumes. Else, add a volume column to the EDIT view that already has a check box to let us delete.. So, in EDIT view, .just need to adda volume column. IF ANYONE ELSE FINDS THIS DESIRABLE,... PILE ON. Maybe if enough ask, the web designers might be inclined to accommodate our needs. If it's just me, I apologize for this post. THANKS IN ADVANCE.


  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    It would be nice to have more flexibility in many areas.

    A workaround thought is that volume is a column option in Summary view. You can sort the list by Volume and then scroll to the bottom of the list and click on the Number in Sorted Order button. This will add a numbering sequence in front of the name.

    Then go to CandleGlance view and the High to Low or Low to High volume (depending on how you saved/ numbered the sort) will be showing at the beginning or end of the list.

    You can delete from CandleGlance. A trashcan icon appears in the upper right corner of each chart. I use this option for deleting as CandleGlance is a very flexible way to view a list. You can even create a custom sort on there, using the available indicators. Volume isn't an option there but you should be able to satisfy your needs using the Summary Volume Column sort and the CandleGlance Delete option.

    Of course, if you have your list numbered, you can delete from the Edit view as well as the numbering is shown there. You can also remove the numbering in Edit view as well.

    I find CandleGlance is probably my most used feature on the site. It's easy to move quickly through a lot of charts. I look at a lot of charts regularly.
  • markdmarkd mod
    edited October 9
    I like @lmkwin 's ideas. Sometimes you have to think "out of the box", so to speak.

    Another possibility, if you have a specific minimum volume requirement, would be to make a simple re-usable scan that looks for volume ( I would use average volume, e.g. sma(20,volume), because any stock can have a slow day) and plug in the list you want to edit.

    For instance

    [favorites list is xxx] // the list you want to edit, added from the favorites list drop down

    and [sma(20, volume) > 50000] // or whatever is your cut-off

    Then, from the results page replace the existing list with the scan results. Only the higher volume symbols will remain.

    If you have multiple cut-off requirement for different types, you can still have just one scan with each requirement on a separate line. Add the comment symbol // to block the unwanted lines from running or remove them to run the line you want:

    [favorites list is xxx]

    //and [sma(20, volume) > 50000] // this line and the next line won't execute

    //and [sma(20, volume) > 60000]

    and [sma(20, volume) > 70000] // only this line will execute


    [favorites list is xxx]

    //and [sma(20, volume) > 50000]

    and [sma(20, volume) > 60000] // only this line will execute

    //and [sma(20, volume) > 70000]

  • Imkwn: YES...YOUR SUGGESTION IS PERFECT. I'm thrilled...thank you. markd: I do use a volume screen but often create lists without using scranner. I didn't know the "Number" tool and how it could be used in this manner. So, to BOTH OF YOU: you both ROCK and I'm very grateful for your prompt help. Thank you...
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    Glad you posted the comment and glad you found a solution that "works". That's the beauty of this forum.

    Another nice feature with the CandleGlance view is that you actually have to look at the chart and you may decide to "bend" your rule based on how the chart actually looks.

    Also, there are close to 30 columns of data available in the Summary view. Many indicators (unfortunately you have to use their defaults, not customizable) and other data of interest like earnings dates and yields and some fundamental stuff. You can sort by any of these columns and then Number in Sorted Order. Your sorted order remains with the list until you re-sort and save in Summary view or you remove the numbers using Edit view.

    To see all the columns available click on the Columns button at the top of the Summary view

    Something else that I use sometimes is when reviewing a chartlist in Chartlist View. You can click on the Header for the chart and add a character in front of the Name to add a sort number.

    Click on the Header Bar and it opens a way to edit the Name field

    I can quickly add a 1 in front of the name and save it.

    As I'm moving through a Chartlist View I can quickly move promising names to the top of the list and not so promising to the bottom of the list.

    Lots of documented and undocumented ways to do things.
  • @88Asteroids - glad you found a good solution in lmkwin's suggestions.

    My point was though that you can run a scan against lists you created by other means.

    So you could make a list "by hand" and then run a scan against it. You could make a new list with the result or overwrite (replace but keep the same name) the original list.

    But lmkwin has a good point, that reviewing by Candleglance gives you a chance to look at the chart and change your mind.

    Good hunting!
  • MARKD: so sorry...I missed that point entirely...I was a bit too hasty. I will definitely try that. I've been using STOCKCHARTS for 10 years and almost every day find something new to learn because of experts like you and Imkwn, who are so helpful guys and the other experts make this forum immensely valuable...and now....I'm going to post another ask: CAPTUREING SECTOR LISTS. No rest for you rockstars... Am I allowed to still say "Rockstars"??
  • it would "so 21st century" -wink- to be able to "select the field" after "download CSV first" aka Just the symbol, as 88 is I have done too many 2-steps, for a one step operation, of removing to get to that to import to Tview

    On a side note for markd & lmkwin

    1) Is there a way to set a Static 'start date' not just x days/weeks months back?

    is...start scan from 2024-01-01?

    2) And I saw where lmkwin also does ToS, and if you did not know, Tomsk is both
    ToS & Tasty

    3) at thinkscript, Samer800 [fairly new to that overall there] is a dude, from tracking him down [so make sense the killer improvements of charts & graphs that site I have witnessed over many years, and many very recent 2-3years]
  • You can select the specific date for the scan by clicking the mouse cursor on "0" in the Starting 0 trading days before...

    A calendar pops up which you can navigate months back. Click on a number in the calendar to select the scan date. It will read something like Starting 112 trading days... but it will run as of the date you clicked on.

    Is that what you mean?

    Or are you talking about setting the start/end dates of charts in the results?

    The results will always display in your default chart format, no matter what the scan date was. You have use the start/end option under "range" on the chart workbench to adjust the dates on the chart. Then hit "apply to all" at the bottom of chart to do the same for the rest of the charts in the list.

  • TY markd for reply, so it will always stay 1-1-2024? [I don't think so] being it's setting a static [as of now] and I hit save.

    re> setting the start/end dates of charts in the results?

    My scans using it, so I don't have to change it every scan, every day, of the rest of my life ;-)

  • re running the scan - No, the run date is always reverts to some variation of today. You would have to select any other run date each time you run the scan.

    re the charts for the results - As I mentioned earlier, your scan results (no matter the selected run date) will display in your default style. I haven't tried it, but maybe you could make your default chart style using a start/end date combination and see if those dates stick. I think they should.

    Or if you are already using your default style for something else, you could set up a start/end chart style, name it and save it. Then apply it to your list results when you get them.

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