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Creating a "Wish List" of improvements I'd love to see Stockcharts do
I've been a customer since 2020, and I've been very impressed with the improvements they've added for their users over the years. I've been compiling a short list of things I'd really love them to fix going forward.
So far I have:
a) would love customization. If I want to focus on certain factors, there's no way to make them stand out in different colors or specify what I want on my charts. Relatedly, I'd like an "edit layout" feature so I can put the ticker on the right side of the screen. I trade with a 55" TV, and turning my head to the left to see the ticker, then to the right to see the current bar, gives me whiplash!
b) The more I watch people using other chart systems, the more I feel the annotate needs (another) overhaul. I should be able to hit a key on the keyboard, and the chart would know I want to draw an arrow, then hit another key, now I want to draw a box. Also, there's a frustrating bug whereby I have to click the "select" arrow, wait a second, then click it again if I want the select arrow to actually be selected.
c) I love viewing charts in Chartbook form. Why is there no way to change the sort, like sort by RSI high to low, or anything like that?
Got anything to add to my list? I will send them to the staff, and also to Dave Keller.
My List
Rank by [whatever indiction I'd like to sort by]
The Summary View also allows you to sort and save your list by any of the columns showing in that view. RSI is one of the columns available. You can click on the header of the column to sort in ascending and descending order. At the bottom of that page is a Number in Sorted Order button that will save that sort for your review in any other view, like Chartbook.
When you are in Summary view, the Columns button allows you to pick and choose what shows on the screeen. If it shows on the screen, you can sort your list by that column. Tom Bowley likes to sort by Next Earnings date to see who is reporting in the near future.
Just an fyi, Dave Keller is no longer employed as a bigwig at He's still a contributor via blog postings.
I'd like to see all of the Price information be placed together on the Full Quote screen. Currently Open, High, Low are on one side and Last/Close is on the other side. They do have room to reformat that entire header to be more useful or less cumbersome to the user.
I would like a Search Button on the "Your Chart List".
Search Buttons on are somewhat lean in their abilities.