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increase y-scale (price scale)

edited February 10 in Other Charting Tools
Spy is stuck around 600 on price scale...
I want to show area up to 700 above current spy chart... so i can map trend lines

how can i adjust the default display to show the next $100 range, ie- the area from $600-$700?


  • wow, this is basic functionality... am i missing something?
  • I don't think you can adjust the scale on the chart workbench. But maybe try this workaround.

    On the chart workbench, under Overlays, find Price (same scale) and add a symbol trading higher than SPY (to find a symbol, scan for close > 600 and close < 800, or whatever you like).

    Then select color gray and opacity 0.0. That will make the price plot of the second symbol invisible.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    edited February 11
    In ACP you can adjust the margins and adjust the axis on the chart to increase or decrease the space around the prices. In SmartCharts it appears that @markd suggestion is the only viable solution at the moment.
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