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There are several things that aren't supported/ provided for users on the platform. Scans based on data shorter than a Daily period, and IF-THEN-ELSE statements are two of those things.
5 minute time frame is less than a Daily period so it would not be available to use on
I vaguely remember something about custom plug-ins, if you had someone write one for you, but I don't remember if it was allowed, or not allowed, or planned for the future.
Another alternative might be to download historical data from SC into a spreadsheet and do the calculations there. Possibly you could upload the results to a UDF (user-defined index) to display as a pseudo-indicator. If you don't have the skills, it may be possible to hire someone.
5 minute time frame is less than a Daily period so it would not be available to use on
I vaguely remember something about custom plug-ins, if you had someone write one for you, but I don't remember if it was allowed, or not allowed, or planned for the future.
Another alternative might be to download historical data from SC into a spreadsheet and do the calculations there. Possibly you could upload the results to a UDF (user-defined index) to display as a pseudo-indicator. If you don't have the skills, it may be possible to hire someone.