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Changes Rolling Out in SharpCharts : Scan Results page
They have started implementing changes to the SharpCharts platform. One that you may notice is the Scan Results page. You get there by.... running a scan.
On this page there are now a few new options showing above the results.

Summary is the 'standard' view that we are familiar with. If you hover over a symbol it will still show the 1 year mini chart for that symbol.
SharpCharts button will display the results using your default sharpchart.
CandleGlance button displays the results using the default 2 month candleglance chart.
Something else I just noticed about THAT change. I mentioned that the SharpCharts button will display your 'default' chartstyle for the list. It apparently only like daily chartstyles. My 'default SharpChart is a Weekly chart with indicators designed for my weekly view purposes. The scan results page takes my default weekly chartstyle and displays it as a daily chart in the results. So my indicator settings are a little different on my daily styles vs weekly. Not the end of the world, just something to note.
ATRP converts the ATR into a percentage of the price. This allows you to compare accross various price ranges to find where ATR volatility is. Similar to BB Width, it allows a view into expanding and contracting volatility. I haven't tested it in a scan as yet but volatility is often a good thing to be aware of.
They added the ATRP information into the ATR ChartSchool help section but didn't review the entire section for continuity or accuracy.
Now, it is no longer grayed out and is appears to be available for use. The thing that I'm noticing about it, is that you can set your Additional Indicator and Sort option, but you need to click back to one of the standard Chart Durations for the sort to actually work correctly. You can then change to the Custom Style and it will display your custom CandleGlance Style chart in that sorted order.
I like the additional functionality. You just have to remember to flip to a standard "Chart Duration" to actually sort, then change to your Custom Style chart.
They added a 2nd decimal place on the SCTR column but it appears that SCTR only calculates to 1 decimal so all the 2nd decimals are zero.
they are definitely having speed issues in general. Hope they figure that out quick.
I get the following message. I have imported hundreds of times, but this is the first time since the system update. I reported it to Support to see what is up.
I saved the CSV named positions. It put the .csv in the file name it's importing/uploading. So, it sees it correctly apparently but it doesn't like it for some reason.
edit: I did get a response from Support
Thank you for contacting us.
Our development team is aware of the issue, and is working on a solution. Thank you for your patience in the meantime.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or comments about our website.
Grayson said that nothing would change in the classic SharpCharts platform that we all know and love. Well, turns out that wasn't true.
I only use the Classic SharpCharts but the latest update has effected/ infected the tried and true and quick and versatile part of that we all know and love. The Team broke it.
I recall something like this happening to the Dorsey Wright website a few years ago. They took a perfect site and then 'updated' it to smithereens. What was instantaeous took 30 seconds to a few minutes to do. And sometimes, it just never completed and "timed out". Took them several months to figure it out and get back to some form of normalcy.
I'm a thinkorswim user also, and do many custom indicators using the thinkscript. It's very versatile and fast. We'll see, once it's pulled over to the Schwab platform, if that changes too. I'm in the last batch of accounts to be pulled in from TD Ameritrade to Schwab because of their issues with integrating the TOS platform.
But hey, we have a new MarketCarpet facade.
Today I get a message when opening a chartlist in CandleGlance view.
The other day, used all of the available resources on my PC processor and locked it up. NEVER had any major issues with StockCharts prior to the update. You used to be able to do a numbering sort of a chartlist to several levels. Meaning that you could save a chartlist in sorted order in Summary View. The system would put 4 character numbers in front of the name field in the chartlist. You could then re-sort that list and re-save in sorted order and it would add another 4 character numbers to the list. You can't do that now. Only 1 set of numbering allowed, and it takes a while to do that. You can actually watch the renumbering in action as it works its way down the list.
I don't have high hopes of them getting this fixed at all. I'll give it some more time before I lament on how it "used to be a great platform".
The current new version is not an improvement over the old one. However, I think they rewrote the basic program from scratch so they have a solid foundation to propell to something much better in the future.
Pro Tip: Clear your cache. Once I do that, all my troubles will seem so far away.
edit: OK, maybe not bullet fast on longer chartlists. But hoping that the fixes keep on rolling in.
I haven't seen this on other lists that I do a similar process with so I'm assuming a one off, but just sharing.
BJ - BJ's Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc.
BJ - BJ%27s Wholesale Club Holdings, Inc.
I had the Rank By stop sorting correctly recently. It sorted numbers in descending order. But instead of
98, 95, 91, 85, 75, 55, 52, 9, 8, 7, 5,....
It was coming out
98, 95, 91, 9, 85, 8, 75, 7, 55, 52, 5,..... I call it an Alpha Sort. Cleared the cache and it's back to "normal".
I don't use DDG at the moment but am not suprised. It might be a security setting regarding popup there. When I run a scan it opens the results in a new tab. Maybe DDG settings might be denying that?