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Performing Hourly EMA scans

Hi, I just joined and, having never used the site before at all, and am a complete newbie. So, please forgive if this is a stupid question or something I should be able to figure out myself, but I'm just trying to get up and running and quickly and easily as possible, before give in to inertia and give up or put off using the site perpetually.

My question is how to perform and modify the following scan: 8/20 hourly EMA crossover of large cap optionable stocks and ETF's traded on major US exchanges.

Thanks for your help!


  • Unfortunately, the scan engine doesn't accommodate scanning for intraday time frames (i.e.time frames less than a full day).
  • Swinger72Swinger72
    edited July 2020
    Wow, that's surprising! The desire to perform intraday technical scans is whole reason I joined I can perform tech scans on daily charts with Fidelity ATP or Power Etrade, for free.

    Does anyone know of any site that would allow me to do that? Or is there another way to do it with, a "workaround" perhaps?
  • markdmarkd mod
    edited July 2020
    No workaround. You can run scans intraday - the scan engine considers the most recent update as the close of the trading period - daily, weekly, monthly. So you can get intraday signals on daily, etc. indicators, but not time frames lower than one day. Metastock or Tradestation probably allows it, but there is a learning curve, and the subscription fees are higher. Stockcharts is really orientated to the swing trader/investor, not day traders. My guess is that could be change as the site grows.
  • I'm generally a swing trader (hence my nickname here), but find hourly charts and technical indicators, in conjunction with dailies, useful for trading with hold times of 1-10 days. Day traders usually use 5 or even 1 min. charts.
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    If you are looking for a "workaround", perhaps, IF you are using a constant group of stocks to scan, make a list out of those stocks and create a simple Custom CandleGlance chartstyle with our important indicators. Then view that list in CandleGlance view. You can set the time frame on your chartstyle to be an intraday time frame.

    I find CandleGlance an invaluable tool on I spend most of my time viewing charts in this method. I use a Renko chart style on my Custom CG, but you can use any type and time frame you'd like.

  • Thanks! Is there a limit to how many charts I can put in the Custom Candle Glance list? So could I perform a scan for stocks that fit my fundamental criteria, add those to the list (can I add them in a single click, without having to enter each ticker individually?), add the time frame and indicators, and "scan" them visually for those making or about to make MA crossovers?
  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    You can put up to 500 symbols in a ChartList. You can add them in several different ways. If you go to your ChartLists, it's on the front page. Click on New. At the bottom are a few options for adding. You can add one by one. You can add Many (many tab) with a comma between the symbols. You can import them from a CSV file as well.

    Another way to Add chart is directly from a chart. At the top of the chart there is a row that looks like this

    Click on Save to save the symbol to the list shown. Or click Save As to save the symbol to a new or different ChartList.

    CandleGlance is just a view option for a chartlist. Just like 10 per page is a view option. So, lists are capped at 500. You can add to them in a number of ways, including from the Scan workbench. When you run a scan, you have the option to Save the results to a new list. Replace an Existing list. Merge the results into an existing list. Or Export the results to a CSV. You can then import that CSV using the Import CSV function in the ChartList EDIT function.

    Removing stocks is also pretty easy. There is a Garbage Can Icon in the upper right of the chart (you may need to hover the mouse over it) in CandleGlance and in 10 per page. Clicking that removes that symbol/chart from the list. In 10 per page you can also click the dropdown actions in the upper right.

    Or you can remove using the EDIT view for the chartlist.

    Putting ChartLists in the Help function shows you all of the things that you can do with ChartLists

    Your chartstyles would be the next thing to get in order. You can create a lot of different chartstyles to meet your needs.

    Putting ChartStyles in the Help function show you all of the things that you can do with ChartStyles

    If you run into issues, this forum has been a great help to me, and to others.

  • lmkwinlmkwin ✭✭
    I should have also mentioned that you can add stocks to a chartlist via the Add from Group tab in the Edit area of chartlists. You can add one or several indexes, sectors or industries directly into a chartlist.
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